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The Importance of Online Reviews and Testimonials for Plastic Surgeons

The Importance of Online Reviews and Testimonials for Plastic Surgeons
Importance of Online Reviews and Testimonials for Plastic Surgeons

If you’re a practicing plastic surgeon, you’ll know how critically patients tend to research a clinic or practice plane surpassing going for the first consultation. You can’t deny that it’s justified owing to the intricacy of the surgical procedures and the wide-stretching use of technological equipment throughout.

And in the quest of choosing the platonic physician, patients would unchangingly zero in on a practitioner who they finger possesses the required expertise, skill, and experience. Online reviews are a major speciality of the digital presence of any plastic surgery clinic and are considered by the majority of potential clients for making the right choice.

In this guide, we’ll explain in simple terms how reviews can help a plastic surgery clinic scale new height and how weightier you can wield them in your SEO efforts. Read on!

Managing a Plastic Surgeon’s Online Reputation- What does it involve?

Managing Plastic Surgeon's Online Reputation

People on the lookout for any service nowadays are sure to consult an online source at some point in their search. And they’ll sooner log in to the service website to form a first impression.

Now, when it comes to cosmetic treatment procedures such as plastic surgery, potential patients will naturally take uneaten circumspection during the search. Their ultimate aim is to squint largest by undergoing a surgical procedure, and any mistake may have severe consequences for their health.

That’s why patients will want to ensure they’re opting for the weightier plastic surgeons as per their needs and preferences. They’re likely to find you through an online directory or might reach your website directly without stuff referred by a previous patient.

The term online reputation is used to describe the perception of the target regulars regarding any enterprise, based on its digital* presence at any point in time. Thus, the online reputation of a merchantry would stupefy how people may interact with it and think well-nigh the quality of service it provides.

So, your online reputation as a plastic surgeon is of paramount importance irrespective of how well you might be performing at your practice.

The way your merchantry is represented on social media platforms, online directories, and SERPs wideness search engines affects what patients perceive of your practice. Do note that this representation includes patient reviews on trusted online forums, vendee testimonials, and any other form of feedback by any of your stakeholders.

How do reviews and testimonials help your practice grow?

reviews and testimonials help your practice grow

Positive feedback from your clients can unchangingly help build a polity of prospects for your cosmetic services. This contributes to creating a positive reputation for the practice in the long run. On the whole, here’s how testimonials and reviews can help expand the reach of your plastic surgery practice:

plastic surgeons reviews and testimonials points

Enhances Trustworthiness

To earn the trust of increasingly prospects, you’ll have to go vastitude the technical elements of online reputation management and Google’s algorithmic properties. It’s essential to nurture the cooperation and trust of prospective patients in the brand, and Google reviews can be of unconfined help in this regard.

A recent survey revealed that 82% of respondents use review sites to evaluate or view ratings and comments of a healthcare provider. Overall, 18% of patients reported they never using online reviews. This suggests that increasingly and increasingly patients are looking at online reviews to understand whether they can trust a healthcare service in the first place.

A positive review that’s realistic and insightful at the same time will naturally seem increasingly reliable to any prospect. Thus, it’s likely to build a good impression of the service in their minds, and they’ll probably interact with your trademark soon. The increasingly positive reviews you have on the site and other online directories, the increasingly the endangerment of plastic surgery patients trusting you surpassing they victorious at your clinic.

Apart from this, you’ll need to ensure the reviews are misogynist on leading platforms such as Yelp, Health Grades, Google, Real Self etc. That’s when your reputation will be visible on the first SERP when patients search for your clinic/practice. All in all, the internet can add a new dimension to your public image.

Improves Search Rankings

Reviews play an important role in distinguishing your service from competitors, both on a local and a broader scale. No wonder search engines consider reviews to be a key factor in their towage of the weightier websites for any search query. It’s worth noting here that the majority of patients tend to go for a clinic that appears higher on the search rankings.

Increases Profits

As we discussed earlier, potential patients will unchangingly want to go for a trusted and suppositious professional in the field to get the weightier results. They might moreover be ready to pay a bit uneaten as long as they can trust the cosmetic surgery practice.

Notably, a study revealed that merely subtracting a star to the rating of a clinic on Yelp led to a five to nine per cent uplift in its revenue. This shows the importance a patient attaches to positive feedback and makes the quality and reliability of online reviews a decisive factor for a prospect.

Improves Patients’ Experience

On understanding a patient’s impression of your service, you’ll be worldly-wise to make necessary adjustments to serve future patients in a largest way.

Moreover, it’s not possible to self-mastery plastic surgery treatments without having a well-spoken idea well-nigh your patients’ preferences and any health concerns they might have. Reviews provide you with a proper idea well-nigh what works weightier for patients requiring a particular type of treatment.

Only 1% of patients post “very negative” feedback on review sites. In specimen any bad reviews are posted on a third-party website or social network, you’ll be worldly-wise to write or remove bad reviews with firsthand effect. This can modernize the concerned patient’s wits to some extent, providing the impression that you’ll unchangingly try to resolve their problems in the weightier way possible.

Increases Your Ratings

Google your clinic name, and you’ll spot a number of star ratings for the first few results. Surpassing a prospect can go through plane one of your reviews, they’re unseat to squint at those online ratings. And that would be the first impression they’ll have well-nigh your practice. As such, you ought to make it good.

To build a respectable image for your clinic, having a greater number of positive online reviews is crucial.

What do patients squint for in online reviews?

What patients squint for in online reviews


While searching for a plastic surgeons, patients will prefer a professional with vast and diverse industry experience. In fact, most patients of today go through such information in detail and may plane research the same separately. In specimen they don’t spot any credentials, that becomes a red flag.

That’s why cosmetic surgeons make it a point to list their education and work history on their websites. So, you should go by the norm to stave falling out of the good books.


Patients unchangingly like physicians who are honest and upfront regarding any issues concerning the industry. The elements that they stress the most include the pricing policy, any potential risk during the procedure, and the discomfort it might cause. As such, it’s weightier to provide an option for consultation surpassing patients typesetting your services.

Images Proving the Results

A visual element on an online source is sure to enhance its reliability and provide patients with a largest idea of the quality of your work. So, subtracting videos or photos to a couple of reviews can put you at an wholesomeness over your competitors*.

Make sure to self-mastery surpassing and without photo sessions for all your patients, and if possible, record the unshortened procedure.

Training and Qualifications

It’s no secret that conducting cosmetic procedures needs wide-stretching training and expertise. As such, potential patients are likely to consider your qualifications and training surpassing opting for your services. Don’t skip mentioning your qualifications on the review page as well as your online listings.

How to use reviews for your SEO strategy

plastic surgeons reviews for your SEO strategy

Include Reviews Strategically

In the specimen of plastic surgery reviews, you’ll moreover need to be cautious well-nigh where you’ll have them posted. Position them strategically on the homepage of your website and other pages that witness a higher spritz of traffic such as the contact page or individual service pages. Including a few reviews on the respective service pages (for example, a page on surgical rhinoplasty) can help you rank for queries on the treatment procedure.

Additionally, you’ll need to have reviews on reliable and high-ranking online directories to expand your reach further. Make sure to self-mastery proper research surpassing you zero in on the sites where you’ll list the clinic. A site should be suppositious and should rank upper on leading search engines such as Google and Bing.

Do note that people are increasingly likely to respond to social proof, that is, by relying on the opinion of other patients. There might be a few negative online reviews for some clinics as well, which would make it plane increasingly important to push increasingly positive ones.

Respond Tactfully

A positive review that provides several valuable insights into a service is, of course, salubrious for your practice.

But that isn’t the be-all-and-end-all of achieving a good SERP rank. You need to provide a proper response to each and every review by gauging the reviewer’s expectations going forward.

Related – Your Easy-to-Follow Guide to Plastic Surgeon SEO

Markup Your Ratings & Reviews using

Schema is a sharable markup vocabulary tool which eases the process of defining content resources for an admin and boosts their ranking efforts for Google SERPs. Such functionality has prompted search engines to provide a sharable hodgepodge of Schemas that admins can use to their advantage.

Notably, this hodgepodge contains a review markup for the review of a movie, store, or restaurant, withal with an volume markup which is an stereotype of multiple ratings or reviews.

Have An “All Reviews” Page

If you’re concerned well-nigh the wrongheaded impact of too many reviews on the UX framework of the page, it’s weightier to start planning for a “View All Reviews” page on your site. This will indulge you to include reviews on your clinic as a whole in wing to the individual services. You can moreover add links to your service pages on the “view all reviews” page.

On a side note, remember to optimize the page on a regular understructure to enable proper traffic acquisition

Check If Your Reviews Appear in The Code

You’ll need to be mindful while using coding technologies such as Javascript or AJAX for your website and online listings. This will ensure crucial elements such as reviews aren’t left out from the HTML of your service pages, and search engines are unchangingly worldly-wise to reach your content.

We’d suggest conducting a test in this regard by disabling CSS and JS for the browser and checking if the review content is visible.

Utilize Google’s Markup Helper

A structured markup helper can suggest ways to update the site so that Google understands the data contained therein. Once Google comprehends the information, it will be worldly-wise to present the data in a visually well-flavored manner within a Google SERP.

For example, a unconfined way to reply to a satisfied consumer would be to encourage them to avail of a regular check-up facility at a reduced rate for the first few months without the surgery. Alternatively, you can add a line urging them to speak to your experts well-nigh any other queries they might have.

Adverse reviews are increasingly tricky to respond to. Tideway such reviews by expressing snooping for the inconvenience caused to the patient and suggesting them a possible remedy based on their complaint.

Things To Stave by Plastic Surgeons

Scarce Information

As a plastic surgeon, you’re surely confident well-nigh your expertise in the field and will want potential clients to witness your weightier work. A site which has whimsically got any information on the plastic surgeon’s wits in the field and the reputation of the clinic won’t seem trustworthy to the clients.

Make it a point to include unbearable information to demonstrate such achievements on the relevant pages of your website. Describe the types of cosmetic surgeries you’ve handled and the most in-demand treatment procedures at your clinic.

Dodgy Certifications

Do note that prospects might use resources such as the website of the American Workbench of Plastic Surgery to find locally practicing, workbench certified professionals during their search. Thus, maintain clarity in your certifications wherever you mention the wideness the website.

Avoid Bragging

While you need to put along your achievements wideness the website and on other sites, it’s equally important to stave speaking too highly of yourself. For the review to be credible, follow a well-turned tideway and stave bragging well-nigh any speciality of your service so that prospects know you aren’t unjust with your services.


FAQs Plastic Surgery

Q1. Why should you rent online reputation management services for your plastic surgery clinic?

Businesses need to maintain a sound online reputation to grow and thrive in today’s world. And when it comes to plastic surgery clinics, this amounts to pursuit a patient-first approach. It can ultimately help clinics sustain upper patient retention rates and build a respectable image in the long term.

Patients often delve into the details of their wits while reviewing a plastic surgery clinic, including aspects such as how the staff treated them, how painful the procedure was, or how they liked your work. If you’re the sole owner of your clinic and handle most activities on your own, it can seem mind-boggling to survive surrounded the tough competition.

When there isn’t any efficient system to take superintendency of it all, the results may not match your expectations. Moreover, towers an online reputation and managing your SEO can seem time-consuming and requires a upper level of expertise for achieving the desired results. That’s why you should definitely consider hiring a third-party organization for the job.

Q2. Which certification is considered most suppositious for a plastic surgeon?

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) is the leading organization for certified plastic surgeons wideness the world. Comprising over 11,000 representatives worldwide, the society is considered a leading informational source on reconstructive and cosmetic plastic surgery.

Final Words

In a nutshell, managing your online reviews powerfully is key to establishing your clinic as a trustworthy name in the industry. Reviews help earn referrals that can fetch increasingly leads and help unzip largest ratings as well.

So, if you haven’t taken review management seriously till now, it’s time to get the wittiness rolling.

Start by preparing a thorough report on your current online reputation with inputs from your SEO team. It’s important to segregate a reputable and experienced online reputation management services to ensure that your online reputation is powerfully managed.

The post The Importance of Online Reviews and Testimonials for Plastic Surgeons appeared first on Ranking By SEO India.

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